[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Post Holidays @ Friday, Dec. 26, 2003

There's an eighties song on the radio that reminds me a late, late Wednesday nights dancing at the Asylum - way back when I'd just turned 21 and Bud Light was my cheap drink of choice (and I could still drink tequila without trying to take things like lamps and alarm clocks apart in a drunken stupor). Those were the days.

I've decided that I can no longer drink vodka and Red Bull or Jeager Bombs..I'm not sure which one makes me end the night in tears but I'll have a fun/miserable time figuring it out. Unless it's both...then it'll just be a miserable time.

And my parents bought me a bottle of Grey Goose with which to experiment!

Christmas was great. Both days were at the 'rents' house so there was no travelling involved - except the drive home, of course. And I managed to only say hello to my Bitch Aunt but was forced to hug her goodbye. It's blissfully clear that's she's pissed off every member of my family. Yaay!

On top of the vodka and other goodies, my parents gave me a fabulous set of martini glasses for Chirstmas. The kind that have no stem and sit in a round glass filled with ice. Chilled Cosmos - very nice. I had mentioned spotting them in a Red Envelope catalog when we were out for the pre-Thanksgiving festivities and Dad remembered. He listened quite a bit to my non-hints because they also bought me some great glass beads from a shop in Yellow Springs and pair of martini glass earrings from my favorite shop there - a pair I had pointed out. I think they had already bought them, though because I pointed them out on Sunday and the box was already wrapped and under the tree.

It's sad when it's over, though. I won't see most of those relatives until the reunion in June or July and some of the others until Christmas next year or until my great grandmother passes away. That sounds cruel but I expect it soon and it would be better for her. She's a small shell of the big woman I grew up with....

I feel like going out tonight. Danicing like we did after the work Christmas party but I don't know who's in town and don't relish the idea of leaving my warm apartment for a bar stool for one.

Paul, an ex, e-mailed me on Wednesday. I finally go to reply today because the Net has been very uncooperative. He said something about the fact that someone must be occupying my Columbus days since he hadn't heard from me in awhile. First of all, he basically wished me a happy life in his last e-mail so I figured even our electronic communications had finally come to an end after almost two years. He lives in England but is currently signed on to work in Qatar for at least two more years and still hasn't divorced the wife who supposedly left him right after he got back from the States and a very brief - albeit unbelievably profound - relationship with me (who only found out he was married after he left). Second, I did e-mail him last week with holiday wishes but it was kicked back to me. Anyway, I explained that I was done with men, wasn't going to let anyone occupy my Columbus days, and that my heart couldn't take anymore (also due to his news amongst other stuff everyone here is very familiar with) and until I find a grown up, a single, completely unattached grown up I'm just going ot date myself.

I figure I'll believe it if I see it in black and white or keep saying it out loud.

And I'd really like that grown up to resemble Anthony Stewart Head or John Cusack.