[ emily�s sushi bar ]

At a Potential Loss @ Monday, May. 17, 2004

Here's why dating sucks: the over analyzing of stupid situations.

I tried to call The Boy a couple of times tonihgt but got a busy signal. Until I called at eight-thritish. It rang. I got voicemail. But didn't leave a message. H ehas caller ID and I got the hint that he had only set up an answering machine after we had started talking. In fact, he pointed out that he answers the phone more often, too.

So, we're supposed to be going out tomorrow night but have no time and no destination set. I realize he is incredibly laid back and will do "anything clever" but...no call the night before to at least set a time?


And you know what else gets under my skin? I'm obviously not crazy about this guy but the thought of him being on the phone with another eHarmony chick made me itch.

I should have left a message because I have to cancel/reschedule tomorrow night. One of our managers is transferring out of state and I found out today that tomorrow night is his going away drinks thing.


Men drive me crazy.

And what is up with my skin? Super oily. Must be the warm weather....