[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Red Wine @ Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003

It's raining here. I'm incredibly cranky - so much that I've found myself actually lashing out at my co-workers. To make up for it, I've taken to telling people that I'm cranky as soon as they walk up to my desk. Fair warning.

I finished the mixed tape last night and am fairly proud of it. Of course, I can't get through one evening without some trauma, no matter how trivial. I had opened a bottle of wine and had my glass sitting on a CD case in front of me as I wrote down songs - which was stupid and I knew it. Sure enough, the cats came tearing through and knocked it over. Red wine everywhere.

Luckily, I had just bought the new issue if Real Simple which had an article about carpet stains. The solution was lengthy...especially for a tipsy, tired chick...so I changed it a bit. Then I thought I'd be all smart and stuff and use my carpet cleaner on it as well. Stupid. I woke up to a huge dark purple stain. So I took Real Simple's advice and, again, applied the vinegar water solution which is supposed to sop up the last of the dirt and any of the first solution which was only supposed to be dishwashing liquid and water. The huge purple blotch disappeared but I expect to see it again when I get home.

And it's right in front of my television. Right where everyone can see it. Argh.

I ate a handful of Hershy Kisses today and two cookies...I've got to stop this addiction to the sweets that are always flaoting around here in the office. I've packed on at least ten pounds since I moved here and could very easily gain another ten. Maybe even twenty. I liked the weight I was at - not skinny but okay for me. Must eat better...after the holidays, of course.

P.S. I talked to Amber last night and she told me that Tim asked whatever happend to that guy I was seeing. Interesting. One, we were never "seeing" one another...we only "saw" each other twice and that includes the night we met. Two, how the hell did he hear about it?

And oh yeah, I think I forgot to mention that New Guy and I were supposed to meet up a couple of Saturdays ago...I stood him up accidentally. I fell asleep on the couch at 8 and woke up just before midnight. I was supposed to call him after I got home from shopping so he could tell me where everyone was meeting but I thought I'd take a twenty minute nap first. Plus I was kind of pissed. He'd called earlier to let me know that he didn't know what was going on. Okay, why couldn't he just make plans with me and then tell his friends, "I'm going here with Emily, meet us there"? What's wrong with that? Anyway, he called that night (at freaking 1:30) but I didn't hear the call and he called again on Sunday but I was out and didn't have my phone on me. I never called him back. I'm just too tired and it was worthless. If there had been any chance at anything between us we would have gotten together sooner. I saw Big more than that in the beginning and he lived in California!

P.S. Part Two - This time last year I was writing about the best date I'd ever been on. Hope I forget that by next year.