[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Strike Two!! @ Sunday, Jan. 18, 2004

I am dying for a cig but managed to leave them on the table during my torturous date Friday night.

Yeah, I had a date. With Mr. Man Market. He called Friday around five-thirty. I was still at work but agreed to meet him at my favourite bar/restaurant at eight. Fuck The Rules.

I was so excited I even called my mother.

Eight o'clock came and went. He was about fifteen minutes late and it was all down hill from there.

I've had bad dates before but really didn't expect this one to turn out as bad as it did. I even turned down the offer of an escape call given to me by - of all people - Tim. He offered to call at nine. I should have said ten and let him call me. My pride and his smugness won't let me tell him that, though.

And, you know, the fact that he was late didn't really bother me. The fact that he didn't apologize for being late irked me a bit but that wasn't the worst of it.

Complete lack of conversational skills.

I mean, I felt like I was talking to someone who spoke very little English. I was actually exhausted by the time dinner was over.

I should have known better than to go out with a twenty-five year old.

He just had wine for the first time three weeks ago! And he didn't particularly like it. He hates cats. I was so desperate for conversation I actually asked him the following, "If you were driving down a country road, hit and killed a dog with your car and it had tags with a home address - would you tell it's owners?" He actually asked, "You said dog right? Because if it was a cat, fuck the cat." I looked at him and said, "I have two cats. Fuck you." I should have left at that point. If I had, maybe I wouldn't have forgotten my smokes and would be having one right now.

He hates sushi - in fact, he doesn't like seafood at all. No, I take that back. He accidentally tried shrimp the other day and liked it.

Basically we have nothing in common. I don't understand how he and I had so much fun at the Man Market. He was like a different guy.

Obviously, the amount of alcohol we had consumed must have made a difference.

I know how to pick them. Yes, sir.