[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Typos, Christmas Trees and V-Day @ Friday, Jan. 23, 2004

Argh, the typos in my last entry were atrocious. They're all fixed now, though. Typos - probably the only anal thing about my personality. I also hate that I automatically type "jsut" when trying to type "just" - my fingers are happier with the "s" before the "u" for some reason.

I have grand plans for the weekend...like taking down the Christmas tree. Finally. I just haven't been up to the task but realized V-Day is only a few weeks away and I'd like to put out the few little heart, Valentine-y things I have which clash with all the snowmen and stuff. Decorations are about the only good thing about Valentine's Day this year. That and the pasta (white and red shaped hearts) that I bought a few eekends ago and will make for dinner that night. And seeing The Vagina Monologues as laquerida suggested.

I'm trying not to think about that lovely holiday this year or what I was doing last year. Instead I'll think about how good it will be to wear my red sweater, hot red lipstick and some glitter to work on the day before. And how much fun making cards for the 'rents and my friends will be. Not how much fun I had making Big his fabulous coupon book last year.


Time for While You Were Out and then to bed because I have a big day of cleaning tomorrow. I've promised myself I'll actually get around to it, too. So I can relax on Sunday, watching my movies and reading the book misstress suggested. If I can get out tomorrow...we've already gotten at least an inch and it took me an hour to get home from work!