[ emily�s sushi bar ]

Superman to the Rescue @ Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2003

Debbie and Leo are coming over tonight to pick me up and take me out for a bit.

My brother is coming over tomorrow night. I told him what was going on because he seemed to think that we're Superman and Supergirl...that the two of us can move my entire apartment to Columbus. I told him 'no' a million times then just blurted out, "I'm fucking pregnant, okay? I don't want to move my whole goddamned apartment!"

He wanted to come over immediately. I told him not to worry, told him the story, how I may not be pregnant at the moment but that I was last Thursday.

So entirely fucked up.

But he's coming over after class tomorrow.

He told me he loved me - which he never does and I cried some more.

I've been crying all fucking day.

Back to packing for a few minutes. Then a much needed hot shower and my new jeans.